Thursday 22 September 2011


ok people..macam pelik kan tajuk kat atas ni?hehe.hurrmmmm
sape ANNAS EASKEY ni ek?jeng jengg jennggggggggg:)..

he is a well known photographer..actually my sis yg minat sgt kat annas ni..and 
after ila follow blogger tercantek, cik FATIN SUHANA..
br la ila tau betape famous nye annas easkey ni..hehe..
at first ila x tau sape die ni tp after ila tgk die pny art work.............
one word jeee...
heheh..actually tu ayat annas la tp ila pki gak..heheheh
ila mmg da lame nak promote pasal annas ni tp
masa x mngizinkan tuk berblogging..
and bile annas buat contest..
ila mcm terpkir like why not aku buat untuk entry tuk die..
walaupun x mng contest sbb mmg i`m not putting any high expectation pon coz entry ila ni x seberape pon.:).
 but at least nak annas tau yg ila mmg suke die pny art work and this entry like
 penghargaan la untuk annas easkey :)

ok2..back to the topic people!!!
the reasons why i really adore him and tgk die punye blog almost everyday adalah:

1)picture yg die tngkap mmg da tahap international da:)...cantek ya amat<3..eventhough i x la pakar about photography tp mmg hasil kerja die x dapat dinafikan lagy kecantikan dan kehebatan skill die:)..

2)i`m so proud of him because die student uitm but then da berjaye da skrg..
dats motivate me more to be like him:)thanks annas.hehe

3)jarang nak jmp photographer famous yg close dgn org especially kat blog or fb like him:)
sbb kalau org famous slalu kite comment pon die x reply pon..
but  die ni sgt close dgn semue org yg cmment die..maknanyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..die x sombong:)

ok..enough with dat..ayuh menjamu mata.hehe
ni pic2 yg mmg meletopsss dr annas easkey<3

oh semm kan?^.^

he`ll be the photographer for memey`s wedding as well:)

so...people!ape lagi...ayuh follow annas kat blog die and fb..hehehe.
support him because i know he can go far:)

i`ll hope annas will read it:)
ok people!byeeee..

Monday 25 July 2011

think before u talk,because they are no turning back for u

Thursday 21 July 2011

room design:)

holla peeps!:)
oraite,,cm da lame ila x update blog sbb kebusyan melande(ade ke words tu?)haha..whatever..
k la..actually ila ngah pkr ape activity nk wat dlm blan 10 sbb ila akan abes study nnt..hehe..tgh2 asyik pkir td.tetibe teringat nak decorate bilik yg usang di rumah la..ila baru pindah..and bilik tu sgt2 kosong..just ade almari ngan katil..hehe..bosan kan?soo...ape lagy..kite terjah bilik!haha..ok2...ila ingt since bilik ila tu da original wane ila da cr bbrape design yg in theme of purple:)..hehe...check dis out!

very retro style kan?cute and simple..

dis one is ohsem! mostly in pink colour la x kisahh..hehe..simplee and nice..sbb ila ni suke semak x blh bnyk2 brg..teheeeee:)

ni yg paling comel!..combination between purple+white and red..
baek dis so muchh:)

hehe..asal la design2 ni smue comel..pening nk x pe..if i mix semue pon ok gak kan?hahhaa..oraite babehh..wait and see if my plan ni jadi..hehehe..bye2!

Tuesday 19 July 2011

wordless wednesday:)

                                                     Nak cm ni boleh??:)

Friday 8 July 2011

movie 'SEKALI LAGI'!


last week ila ngan my bf,mister alif affandi tgk movie yg ngah meletup tuh..ala..SEKALI LAGI:)...yg sam pujaan malaya ngan lisa berlakon tuh.huhu.ade mia sara agy:)....ila nak sgt tgk movie ni sbb promo die cm best je kan:).incik alif yg x nak hampakan hati ila yg slalu emotional ni,terus ajak g tgk movie tu..woot!woot!berbunge hati den ni haaa...this movie sgt best!..thumbs up sbb ila nanges due kali dlm wayang..cerita yg biasa but penyampaian sgt unik and x disangka-sangka begini rupenye cite die..heheh
korg yg x g lagi patut g...sgt x rugi klu beli tket tuk tgk this movie..dijamin oleh cik ila ismail:)..tehe...

mister,can i speak english haaa???

holla pep!!:)
      okay,mst korang cam terpinga-pinga tgk tajuk entri ni kan?
hehe..mst ngah garu2 pale tuh..
okay2,straight to the point.actually ila nak ckp pasal our second language which is ENGLISH!:)
tetibe ckp org putih kan..heheh..okay,knp ila wat entri ni kan..actually,ila nak ckp pasal our Malaysian mentality if someone talks in English..slalunye ini yg akan terjadi.:

me: hai guys!whats up?what are u guys doing?
someone: fuyoohhh,ila ckp english la.....poyo la tuhhhh..hahaha

haaa..penah x korg alami keadaan mcm ni?lepas tuh dgn serta merta,muke krg akan rase cm panas sbb kene gelak ngan membe2 kan..and pastu rase cm down giler2 and x nak ckp org putih daaa sbb takot kn gelak g..
sbnrnye kite x ptt wat cm me..if someone nak ckp english..i feel really proud for him or her...sbb org yg cm ni confident level nk kene tinggi la..its not our bahasa ibunda(ayat skema ouh)hehehe...and die nak majukan diri die dgn ckp bhs lain..jgn la pkir yg die tuh poyo ke ,blagak ke or ape2 yg negatif sbb die x slh tau x???..and org yg gelak tu plak sbnrnye org yg takot nak majukan diri sbb die suke ade kat takuk lame(ayat skema lagy) people!kesimpulannye, respect and support la ur fren yg berusaha tuk ckp English tuu..jgn gelak2 or booo kat die k:)

p/s:love peace yaww:)

Friday 1 July 2011

5 things yg slalu wat ila nanges=(

gurl ni insan yg hatinye sgt2 snsitif tau..snsitif ke????
dats fact man!!bkan auta tau..hahaha..
ni ade 5 top list yg slalu gurl espcially ME akan nanges bile bnd 
seperti ini berlaku:

1)bile gado ngan someone yg ila syg
bnd ni la paling akn wat ila nanges sbb rase skit bile gado ngan org yg kite syg escpially ngan bf kan..btl x?hehe mst nanges smpi bengkak2 mate tuh ha..ala2 panda skit:)

2)kedatangan kebulanan adalah mase hormon x stabil dan gurl akan emotional tnp sbb.its sounds weird for man kan?tp sriusly bnd ni mmg biasa tuk gurl. kdg2 org x wat slh pon,tetibe rase nak nanges.huhu.:)

3)bile brg lost
ni akan wat ila rase cm nak pukul smue org pastu nanges la..bile time cari brg,slalu lupe letak kat ne..pastu bile betul2 ilang.mule la mate tuh berair and wat muke seposen mintak simpati kat org..heheh..teruk an?

4)bile result exam haukkk
bnd ni la moment yg paling menakutkan ar sbnrnye..bile kuar result tp hasilnye x brape memuaskan..sgt kecewa+frust+rase nak melalak kuat2..bnd ni slalu jadi mase ila skola dulu x pandai sgt ponnn:)

5)time kene marah ngan mama
hehe..dulu slalu sgt kn marah sbb sgt la nakal tahap dewa..haha..giler degil mase skola2 skali kene sound terus masuk bilik.letak bantal kat muke pastu nanges..haha.hilang macho ni..bantal busuk kat umah tuh jadi saksi air mate yg mengalir ni(ayat nak novel je) skrg sy da baekkkkk!(yo lah kaoo)..heee

mate ni slalu bngkak.haha.peace yaw:)

P/s: post ni hanyalah tuk hiburan..klu mnyentuh mane2 pihak.ampun ya pakkk:)peaceee!