Thursday 22 September 2011


ok people..macam pelik kan tajuk kat atas ni?hehe.hurrmmmm
sape ANNAS EASKEY ni ek?jeng jengg jennggggggggg:)..

he is a well known photographer..actually my sis yg minat sgt kat annas ni..and 
after ila follow blogger tercantek, cik FATIN SUHANA..
br la ila tau betape famous nye annas easkey ni..hehe..
at first ila x tau sape die ni tp after ila tgk die pny art work.............
one word jeee...
heheh..actually tu ayat annas la tp ila pki gak..heheheh
ila mmg da lame nak promote pasal annas ni tp
masa x mngizinkan tuk berblogging..
and bile annas buat contest..
ila mcm terpkir like why not aku buat untuk entry tuk die..
walaupun x mng contest sbb mmg i`m not putting any high expectation pon coz entry ila ni x seberape pon.:).
 but at least nak annas tau yg ila mmg suke die pny art work and this entry like
 penghargaan la untuk annas easkey :)

ok2..back to the topic people!!!
the reasons why i really adore him and tgk die punye blog almost everyday adalah:

1)picture yg die tngkap mmg da tahap international da:)...cantek ya amat<3..eventhough i x la pakar about photography tp mmg hasil kerja die x dapat dinafikan lagy kecantikan dan kehebatan skill die:)..

2)i`m so proud of him because die student uitm but then da berjaye da skrg..
dats motivate me more to be like him:)thanks annas.hehe

3)jarang nak jmp photographer famous yg close dgn org especially kat blog or fb like him:)
sbb kalau org famous slalu kite comment pon die x reply pon..
but  die ni sgt close dgn semue org yg cmment die..maknanyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..die x sombong:)

ok..enough with dat..ayuh menjamu mata.hehe
ni pic2 yg mmg meletopsss dr annas easkey<3

oh semm kan?^.^

he`ll be the photographer for memey`s wedding as well:)

so...people!ape lagi...ayuh follow annas kat blog die and fb..hehehe.
support him because i know he can go far:)

i`ll hope annas will read it:)
ok people!byeeee..

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